Nutritional value pertotal juice box
- Energy
- 2032 kcal
- Protein
- 62 gr
- Fat
- 17,5 gr
- Saturated Fat
- 5.7 gr
- Carbohydrates
- 388 gr
- Natural Sugars
- 230 gr
- Salt
- <9,6 gr
- Food fibres
- 89 gr
Allergy information contains celery, may contain traces of nuts and sesame
Vitamins & minerals
Shown as a percentage of the reference intake (RI).RI of an average adult is 8400 kJ / 2000 kcal per day.
> 1052% of RDAGood for blood pressure, supports normal muscle function and plays an important role in the functioning of the nerves.
Vitamin A
> 2038% of RDAGood for vision, and contributes to normal iron metabolism, helps care for the skin from the inside out and has a positive influence on the immune system.
Vitamin B1
> 364% of RDAGood for the heart, memory and concentration. Has a positive influence on the functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin B2
> 264% of RDAPromotes energy metabolism, protects cells and helps reduce fatigue and tiredness.
Vitamin B3
> 231% of RDAActivates the natural energy in the body. Is important for your skin and good for memory. Helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.
Vitamin B5
> 290% of RDASupports energy metabolism, helps to reduce fatigue and helps with tension.
Vitamin B6
> 443% of RDAIs important for the formation of red blood cells, promotes energy metabolism, contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity and helps reduce fatigue.
Folic acid
> 1020% of RDAHelps the body create and maintain new cells. Folic acid supports, among other things, the production of red and white blood cells.
Vitamin C
> 1461% of RDASupports your immune system and is an antioxidant, which protects against free radicals. Contributes to the formation of collagen, which is important for healthy blood vessels and healthy skin. Contributes to a clear mind and the proper functioning of the nerves.
Vitamin E
> 267% of RDAIs an antioxidant. Helps protect body cells against damage from pollution and sunlight, among other things.
Vitamin K
> 4089% of RDAHelps in normal blood clotting. Supports the absorption of minerals into the bone tissue and contributes to the maintenance and maintenance of strong bones.
> 715% of RDASupports blood clotting. Helps to keep the skeleton and teeth strong and is good for the muscles. Supports the energy level.
> 314% of RDAContributes to the normal functioning of cell membranes and the maintenance of strong bones. Promotes energy metabolism.
> 407% of RDASupports the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, contributes to the process of cell renewal, aids the immune system, has a beneficial effect on normal oxygen transport in the body and keeps the mind clear.
> 300% of RDAContributes to normal thyroid hormone production and thyroid function.
> 590% of RDASupports iron transport in the body, is good for the nervous and immune systems and helps protect body cells.
> 261% of RDAHelps maintain strong bones, contributes to a good electrolyte balance and is good for concentration.
> 835% of RDAImportant for the normal formation of connective tissue in cartilage and bones, is good for the skeleton and works to protect against free radicals.
> 246% of RDAIs conducive to concentration, good for hair and nails and helps to keep the skin healthy.

Helpt de reinigende werking van je lever*
- Reinigt je lever door aanwezigheid choline
- Komkommer
- Appel
- Bleekselderij
- Snijbiet
- Spitskool
- Citroen
- Peterselie
- Gember
- Zeesla

rode bietensap helpt bij vermoeidheid*
- Geeft je meer energie door de vitamines B6 en C
- Rode biet
- Wortel
- Appel
- Citroen
- Rode kool
- Gember
- Rabarber
- Basilicum
- Wilde vossenbes
- Paarse boerenkool

Recharge groentesap ondersteunt je energiestofwisseling*
- Bevordert je energiestofwisseling door mangaan en jodium
- Komkommer
- Peer
- Chinese kool
- Snijbiet
- Paksoi
- Citroen
- Spinazie
- Palmkool
- Peterselie
- Munt
- Waterkers

Fresh wortelsap is goed voor de huid en ogen *
- Bevat vitamine A en K. Goed voor huid en ogen
- Wortel
- Appel
- Venkel
- Grapefruit
- Gember
- Munt
- Salie
- Kaneel

By Jonnie & Thérèse boer van de Librije***
- Goed voor huid en immuunsysteem door vitamine A en C
- Witte wortel
- Granny Smith
- Gele biet
- Pastinaak
- Komkommer
- Zoete aardappel
- Citroen
- Mango
- Gember
- Kurkuma
- Rode peper

Rijk aan Vitamine C
- Ondersteunt immuunsysteem met hoog gehalte vitamine C, A en koper
- Gele paprika
- Gele biet
- Pastinaak
- Granny Smith
- Honing meloen
- Sinaasappel
- Witte wortel
- Citroen
- Kurkuma
- Gember
- Aloë vera
- Zwarte peper

Word opnieuw fit*
- Helpt herstel na sporten
- Wortel
- Rode biet
- Sinaasappel
- Granaatappel
- Kers
- Zwarte bes
- Kurkuma
- Gember
- Ginseng
- Zwarte peper

Ondersteunt je energieniveau*
- Bevordert je energiestofwisseling door de vitamines B1 en B6
- Chinese kool
- Witte kool
- Komkommer
- Granny Smith
- Venkel
- Ananas
- Citroen
- Gember
- Alfalfa gras
- Munt
- Honing meloen

Gezond komkommersap met 97% groente!
- Boost je immuunsysteem met vitamine B en magnesium
- Komkommer
- Witte wortel
- Pastinaak
- Venkel
- Spinazie
- Bleekselderij
- Citroen
- Chinese kool
- Peterselie
- Munt
- Vanille
- Steviablad

By David Wolfe – health expert
- Geeft vitaliteit en energie met vitamine A,C,K, ijzer en koper
- Bleekselderij
- Appel
- Komkommer
- Limoen
- Spinazie
- Wilde duindoornbes
- Andijvie
- Snijbiet
- Romeinse sla
- Hennepolie

Ondersteun je vochtinname met watermeloensap
- Ondersteuning van je vochtinname
- Watermeloen
- Chioggia biet
- Kokoswater
- Venkel
- Citroen
- Komkommer
- Framboos
- Rabarber
- Munt

Rons Sapje
by Michelinster chef Ron Blaauw
- Ondersteunt je bloedstolling en opname mineralen door vitamine K
- Witte wortel
- Gele biet
- Komkommer
- Appel
- Ananas
- Rode kool
- Citroen
- Sinaasappel
- Granaatappel
- Rode biet
- Cranberry
- Munt

Ons biologische tomatensap is rijk aan antioxidanten*
- Geeft je energie en kracht door aanwezigheid van vitamine C en A
- Wortel
- Tomaat
- Rode paprika
- Limoen
- Bleekselderij
- Aalbes
- Basilicum
- Dulse zeewier
- Kurkuma
- Rode peper

Bleekselderij sap is goed voor je immuunsysteem*
- Boost je immuunsysteem met foliumzuur, vitamine B6 en C
- Bleekselderij
- Citroen

by Joe Cross de Juice Master
- Rijk aan vitamine C en K. Versterkt je immuunsysteem
- Ananas
- Bleekselderij
- Granny Smith
- Andijvie
- Citroen
- IJsbergsla
- Groene kool
- Romeinse sla
- Citroenmelisse
- Gember
- Passievrucht
- Broccolikiemen
With this Juice box you can try 24 tasty vegetable juices in one go. Be pleasantly surprised by all the colors, aromas and flavors of our organic vegetable juices.
At Sapje, we love to make tasty vegetable juices. Since everyone likes different flavors, we have developed many different vegetable juice recipes. Since we also work regularly with top chefs and health experts, you can now order no less than 16 different vegetable juices from us. This allows you to easily ingest the nutrients provided by up to a hundred seasonal and local ingredients. The variety makes drinking our vegetable juices healthy. Thus, there is every reason to order our colourful Juice box containing all our Slowjuice vegetable juices.
With our juice box you get 24 tasty vegetable juices in one go. You get one bottle of vegetable juice from some variants, from others two. This gives you plenty of opportunity to taste all our organic vegetable juices. The contents of the juice box have been carefully composed, so that you get a nice variety of nutrients. As you can see below, with our vegetable juices you get almost all vitamins and minerals in large quantities in a natural way.
In addition, the 100% organic and seasonal vegetable juices are ideal to boost your daily vegetable intake. All vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices and seaweeds are local and super fresh. We juice all vegetable juices with a slow juicer and then immediately freeze them to optimally retain the healthy nutrients, colour, aroma and taste.
“Our juices are an excellent addition as part of a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.”
At Sapje, we strive to make our vegetable juices as if you were making them at home yourself. However, making your own vegetable juice from a wide variety of local and seasonal ingredients takes a lot of time, money and effort. Ordering vegetable juices from Sapje is a lot easier. After all, you don’t have to do any shopping or cut and press ingredients. This means you can easily get the nutrients of more than 10 kilos of organic vegetables, herbs, spices, seaweed and fruit. By ordering a Juice box with 24 vegetable juices in one go, you also save on the price. Buying our Juice box is comparatively cheaper than ordering the same number of vegetable juices separately. As a bonus, a Juice box full of fresh vegetable juice is also a feast for your taste buds! When you order our juice box, we will deliver it to your home via a frozen delivery service, at a time that suits you best.
- Cheaper: A box of juices is 5% cheaper than the total amount of the same juices if you order them separately.
- Varied: The Vegetable Juice Box consists of all 15 different types of vegetable juices.
- Well stocked: With 24 bottles of vegetable juices per box, you can spread these over a month.
- Organic: They are 100% pure and organic vegetable juice, without added sugars and preservatives.
- Naturally healthy: The vegetable juices are hand pressed with the slow juicer and frozen in the shock freezer for optimal preservation of the healthy nutrients.
- Easy: Order the box of vegetable juices online and decide for yourself where and when we deliver it. Then you only have to defrost the juices for a fresh, healthy and tasty result.
- “Our juices are an excellent addition as part of a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.”

Need help?
Get Your own personal Juice expert. Kirsten And Marsha are here for you.
Do you have any questions or need more information? Please feel free to contact us at [email protected].